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Our intent for Maths

Mathematics is a key part of our Curriculum and teachers reinforce the expectation that all pupils are capable of achieving highly in this subject. Numeracy is an essential life skill for our citizens of the future. Furthermore, maths underpins other aspects of study such as science and technology. We want our pupils at Turvey Primary, to constantly relate mathematical concepts to real-life scenarios and to take a problem-solving approach that makes connections in their learning.

Implementation of the Curriculum 

The curriculum is delivered through a mastery approach to teaching.  The focus is on the development of deep structural knowledge and the ability to make connections. Making connections in mathematics deepens knowledge and ensures that skills and knowledge are retained over time. 

The curriculum is broken into small carefully sequenced steps, which are mastered by the pupils before moving to the next step. Concrete and pictorial representations of mathematics aid understanding before moving to abstract concepts.   There are lessons where the emphasis is on technique and the teaching is quite directive in order to secure fundamental skills and knowledge. In other lessons, direction is less evident, and through carefully chosen activities and questioning the children are steered to discover the rules, patterns, or properties of numbers or shapes for themselves.  

Maths lessons are active and the children are encouraged to discuss their work and develop their reasoning skills. It is very important that they can make logical deductions and apply their mathematical skills to problem-solving.

Throughout the school, the lessons are tailored to meet the needs of each and every child, and the teachers plan for a range of abilities within each class.

The children are provided with a range of apparatus and materials for support and follow a Calculation Policy that clearly outlines the steps they will take in their learning towards formal methods of written recording. 

In Reception class, the children learn through structured play and practical activities, and discovery. They acquire the basic skills of recognising and writing numbers, counting, and beginning to understand the concept of calculation as a cornerstone of their mathematical understanding.

From Year 1 onwards, we have a daily hourly Maths lesson, but the children are also encouraged to use mathematical skills in practical situations throughout the school day. Through enthusiastic teaching, and fun and engaging activities, the children develop both arithmetical fluency and conceptual understanding.

The emphasis is on Numeracy skills in KS1; knowledge of our number system, ordering numbers, and starting to appreciate the relative size of numbers. They learn the essential number facts which are a prerequisite for the development of mental calculation strategies. Pupils are also taught about different shapes and about a range of measures including time and money.

The principal focus of teaching in lower KS2 is to ensure that pupils become increasingly fluent with numbers and the 4 operations, including number facts and the concept of place value. The children also work with simple fractions and decimal place value. They describe shapes and their properties and measure accurately. There is a greater focus on using and spelling a range of mathematical vocabulary.

In upper KS2, the pupils are expected to perform calculations using formal written methods and to have a thorough understanding of place value to 6 digits. They will use their prior knowledge to manipulate fractions and decimals and extend this to percentages and ratios. Knowledge of shape is deepened in respect of angles and dimensions. Algebraic skills are applied to problem-solving. 

Parents can support their child’s mathematical development by playing games, practising skills such as times tables, telling the time, using money, and simply relating Maths to real-life situations as they arise.

At the end of each unit of learning the teacher will assess the children’s knowledge and understanding and use this to inform future planning. Each term, the children will undertake arithmetic and reasoning tests designed to test the recall and application of a range of operations and mathematical concepts.