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Meerkats (R/1)

A warm welcome to Meerkats class page



Myself, Miss Jones and Mrs Burley will be sharing the roles of teaching in both classrooms this term and any questions or queries you have can be directed at any of us.

Please remember to send your child in each day with a named water bottle, their reading book and diary, any spare clothes they may need and a coat.

Reception Topic

The topic in reception for this term is ourselves. They will talk about what is special to them, their friends and family and hobbies. The children will share their thoughts through drawing and writing. They will complete self-portraits and discuss changes from when they were babies. There will be discussions about how to keep healthy and opportunities to create healthy food.

Year 1 Topic

Our topic this term is ‘Explorers’. Within this topic we will be finding out about the Arctic and pirates. This topic covers both geography and history curriculum objectives as well as some science. Children will learn which animals live in the Arctic, different geographical features, the weather and the countries that make up the Arctic. They will find out the different parts of a ship and the roles onboard. They will learn about pirates in history and modern-day pirates. This topic will finish with a pirate WOW day, when the children will become pirates.


Homework will be sent home on a Friday. It is extremely important that the children try their best to complete the work independently. The work will be related to the English or maths that they are currently learning in class. It needs to be returned to school by the following Wednesday.

Useful links