Message from the Chair of Governors
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to Turvey Primary School. Our school is a welcoming, happy and positive learning community where everyone is both encouraged and enabled to reach their full potential.
Our governing body is an enthusiastic group of volunteers who are committed to maintaining and improving Turvey’s high standard of education by:
- Working with the Headteacher to set the school's strategic direction, aims, vision and ethos, while ensuring it meets its statutory responsibilities.
- Monitoring and evaluating performance and acting as a ‘critical’ friend to the Headteacher, to support and challenge her in managing the school.
- Monitoring and challenging the progress of the school in achieving its priorities.
- Ensuring financial probity and that the premises are well managed.
- Ensuring that the school is accountable to the children and parents it serves, to its local community, to those who fund and maintain it, as well as to the staff it employs.
The staff and governors, work in partnership to ensure we are constantly improving the education and experience that the school provides, so that you can be assured that your child’s start to their educational life is in safe, positive and inspiring hands.
Heather Cunliffe
Chair of Governors
The Governing Body
The full governing body meets once per term.
The two committees (Resources and School Improvement) meet once per term.
Clerk to the Governing Body: Sandra Munday
- Click here to view Governor attendance 23/24
- Click here to view Governor roles and responsibilities from September 2023
Heather Cunliffe |
Sharon Coles |
Lorraine Gibson |
Amy Mustard |
Sandra Fawcett |
Nominating Authority |
Local Authority |
N/A |
Staff |
Co-opted |
Co-opted |
School Improvement |
Both |
Both |
Resources |
School Improvement |
Area of responsibility |
Chair Health & Safety |
Headteacher |
Christopher Cobb |
Claire Harris |
Meri Leggott |
Julia Alison |
Vacancy |
Nominating Authority |
Parent |
Parent |
Parent |
Partnership |
Partnership |
School Improvement |
Resources |
School Improvement |
Resources |
Area of responsibility |
Vice Chair Safeguarding |
Website compliance/SFVS |
Statutory Documents
Select a document to download